query($sql, $parameters, false, $exit_on_error); } //-------------------------------------------------- // Full time $time_init = microtime(true); //-------------------------------------------------- // Query type $select_query = preg_match('/^\W*SELECT.*FROM/is', $sql); // Check for "non-word" characters, as it may contain brackets, e.g. a UNION... And don't debug queries without a table, e.g. SELECT FOUND_ROWS(); if ($select_query && strpos($sql, 'SQL_NO_CACHE') === false) { $sql = preg_replace('/^\W*SELECT/', '$0 SQL_NO_CACHE', $sql); } //-------------------------------------------------- // HTML Format for the query $indent = 0; $query_lines = array(); $query_text = preg_replace('/\) (AND|OR) \(/', "\n$0\n", $sql); // Could be better, just breaking up the keyword searching sections. foreach (explode("\n", $query_text) as $line_text) { $line_text = trim($line_text); $line_indent = $indent; if ($line_text == '') { continue; } $open = strrpos($line_text, '('); // The LAST bracket is an OPEN bracket. $close = strrpos($line_text, ')'); if ($open !== false && ($close === false || $open > $close)) { $indent += 2; } $open = strpos($line_text, '('); // The FIRST bracket is a CLOSE bracket. $close = strpos($line_text, ')'); if ($close !== false && ($open === false || $open > $close)) { $indent -= 2; if ($close == 0) { // Not always an exact match, e.g. ending a subquery with ") AS s" $line_indent -= 2; } } if (!preg_match('/^[A-Z]+( |$)/', $line_text)) { // Keywords, such as SELECT/FROM/WHERE/etc (not functions) $line_indent += 1; } if ($line_indent < 0) { $line_indent = 0; } $query_lines[] = str_repeat(' ', $line_indent) . $line_text; } $query_html = html(implode("\n", $query_lines) . ';'); //-------------------------------------------------- // Values if ($parameters) { $offset = 0; $k = 0; while (($pos = strpos($query_html, '?', $offset)) !== false) { if (isset($parameters[$k])) { $parameter_html = html($parameters[$k][0] == 's' ? '"' . $parameters[$k][1] . '"' : $parameters[$k][1]); } else { $parameter_html = 'NULL'; } $parameter_html = '' . $parameter_html . ''; $query_html = substr($query_html, 0, $pos) . $parameter_html . substr($query_html, ($pos + 1)); $offset = ($pos + strlen($parameter_html)); $k++; } } //-------------------------------------------------- // Called from foreach (debug_backtrace() as $called_from) { if (isset($called_from['file']) && $called_from['file'] != ROOT . '/a/php/database.php') { break; } } //-------------------------------------------------- // Explain how the query is executed $explain_html = ''; if ($select_query) { $explain_html .= ' '; $headers_printed = false; $result = $db->query('EXPLAIN ' . $sql, $parameters, false, false); // No debug, and don't exit on error if ($result) { while ($row = $db->fetch_row($result)) { if ($headers_printed == false) { $headers_printed = true; $explain_html .= ' '; foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $explain_html .= ' '; } $explain_html .= ' '; } $explain_html .= ' '; foreach ($row as $key => $value) { if ($key == 'possible_keys') { $value = str_replace(',', ', ', $value); } $value_html = ($value == '' ? ' ' : html($value)); if ($key == 'type') { $explain_html .= ' '; } else { $explain_html .= ' '; } } $explain_html .= ' '; } } $explain_html .= '
' . html($key) . '
' . $value_html . '' . $value_html . '
'; } //-------------------------------------------------- // Get all the table references, and if any of them // have a "deleted" column, make sure that it's // being used $text_html = ''; if (preg_match('/^\W*(SELECT|UPDATE|DELETE)/i', ltrim($sql))) { $tables = array(); // if (preg_match('/WHERE(.*)/ims', $sql, $matches)) { // $where_sql = $matches[1]; // $where_sql = preg_replace('/ORDER BY.*/ms', '', $where_sql); // $where_sql = preg_replace('/LIMIT\W+[0-9].*/ms', '', $where_sql); // } else { // $where_sql = ''; // } $where_sql = ''; preg_match_all('/WHERE(.*?)(GROUP BY|ORDER BY|LIMIT\W+[0-9]|LEFT JOIN|$)/is', $sql, $matches_sql, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($matches_sql as $match_sql) { $where_sql .= $match_sql[1]; } if (DB_PREFIX != '') { preg_match_all('/\b(' . preg_quote(DB_PREFIX, '/') . '[a-z0-9_]+)`?( AS ([a-z0-9]+))?/', $sql, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); } else { $matches = array(); preg_match_all('/(UPDATE|FROM)([^\(]*?)(WHERE|GROUP BY|HAVING|ORDER BY|LIMIT|$)/isD', $sql, $from_matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($from_matches as $match) { foreach (preg_split('/(,|(NATURAL\s+)?(LEFT|RIGHT|INNER|CROSS)\s+(OUTER\s+)?JOIN)/', $match[2]) as $table) { if (preg_match('/([a-z0-9_]+)( AS ([a-z0-9]+))?/', $table, $ref)) { $matches[] = $ref; } } } } foreach ($matches as $table) { $found = array(); foreach ($GLOBALS['debugRequiredFields'] as $required_field) { $result = $db->query('SHOW COLUMNS FROM ' . $table[1] . ' LIKE "' . $required_field . '"', NULL, false, false); // No debug, and don't exit on error if ($result && $row = $db->fetch_row($result)) { //-------------------------------------------------- // Found $found[] = $required_field; //-------------------------------------------------- // Table name $required_clause = (isset($table[3]) ? '`' . $table[3] . '`.' : '') . '`' . $required_field . '`'; //-------------------------------------------------- // Test $sql_conditions = array($where_sql); if (preg_match('/' . preg_quote($table[1], '/') . (isset($table[3]) ? ' +AS +' . preg_quote($table[3], '/') : '') . ' +ON(.*)/ms', $sql, $on_details)) { $sql_conditions[] = preg_replace('/(LEFT|RIGHT|INNER|CROSS|WHERE|GROUP BY|HAVING|ORDER BY|LIMIT).*/ms', '', $on_details[1]); } $valid = false; foreach ($sql_conditions as $sql_condition) { if (preg_match('/' . str_replace('`', '(`|\b)', preg_quote($required_clause, '/')) . ' +(IS NULL|IS NOT NULL|=|>|>=|<|<=|!=)/', $sql_condition)) { $valid = true; break; } } //-------------------------------------------------- // If missing if (!$valid) { echo "\n"; echo '
' . "\n"; echo '


' . "\n"; echo '

' . str_replace(ROOT, '', $called_from['file']) . ' (line ' . $called_from['line'] . ')

' . "\n"; echo '

Missing reference to "' . html(str_replace('`', '', $required_clause)) . '" column on the table "' . html($table[1]) . '".

' . "\n"; echo '
' . "\n"; echo '

' . "\n\n" . $query_html . "\n\n" . '

' . "\n"; echo '
' . "\n"; exit(); } } } $tables[] = $table[1] . ': ' . (count($found) > 0 ? implode(', ', $found) : 'N/A'); } if (count($tables) > 0) { $text_html .= ' '; } } //-------------------------------------------------- // Run query $time_start = microtime(true); $result = $db->query($sql, $parameters, false, $exit_on_error); $time_check = round(($time_start - $time_init), 3); $time_query = round((microtime(true) - $time_start), 3); if ($select_query && $result) { $results_html = '

Rows: ' . html($db->num_rows($result)) . '

'; } else { $results_html = ''; } $GLOBALS['debugQueryTime'] += $time_query; //-------------------------------------------------- // Create debug output $single_line = (strpos($query_html, "\n") === false); $html = '' . str_replace(ROOT, '', $called_from['file']) . ' (line ' . $called_from['line'] . ')
' . ($single_line ? "\n\n" : "\n"); $html .= '
' . $query_html . '
'; $GLOBALS['htmlDebugOutput'] .= '

' . $html . '

Time Elapsed: ' . html($time_query) . '

' . $results_html . ' ' . $explain_html . ' ' . $text_html . '
'; //-------------------------------------------------- // Return return $result; } //-------------------------------------------------- // Allow script to add note function debugAddNote($note = NULL) { //-------------------------------------------------- // Time position $timeEnd = explode(' ', microtime()); $timeEnd = ((float)$timeEnd[0] + (float)$timeEnd[1]); $timeTotal = round(($timeEnd - $GLOBALS['debugTimeStart']), 3); //-------------------------------------------------- // Note $GLOBALS['htmlDebugOutput'] .= '
' . ($note === NULL ? '' : '

' . nl2br(str_replace(' ', ' ', html($note))) . '

') . '

Time Elapsed: ' . html($timeTotal) . '

'; } //-------------------------------------------------- // Add debug output function debugShutdown($buffer) { //-------------------------------------------------- // Suppression if ($GLOBALS['debugShowOutput'] == false) { return $buffer; } //-------------------------------------------------- // Time taken $timeEnd = explode(' ', microtime()); $timeEnd = ((float)$timeEnd[0] + (float)$timeEnd[1]); $timeTotal = round(($timeEnd - $GLOBALS['debugTimeStart']), 3); $htmlOutput = '

Time Elapsed: ' . html($timeTotal) . '

Query time: ' . html($GLOBALS['debugQueryTime']) . '

'; //-------------------------------------------------- // Current debug output $htmlOutput .= $GLOBALS['htmlDebugOutput']; //-------------------------------------------------- // Wrapper if ($htmlOutput != '') { $htmlOutput = "\n\n\n\n\n" . '


' . $htmlOutput . '
' . "\n\n\n\n\n"; } //-------------------------------------------------- // Add $pos = strpos(strtolower($buffer), ''); if ($pos !== false) { return substr($buffer, 0, $pos) . $htmlOutput . substr($buffer, $pos); } else { if ($GLOBALS['pageMimeType'] == 'application/xhtml+xml') { setMimeType('text/html'); } return $buffer . $htmlOutput; } } if (isset($GLOBALS['createDebugOutput']) && $GLOBALS['createDebugOutput']) { ob_start('debugShutdown'); } //-------------------------------------------------- // Fire PHP support $debugFirePhpPath = '/Volumes/WebServer/Resources/cpoets.dev/setup/firePHP/fb.php'; if (is_file($debugFirePhpPath)) { require_once($debugFirePhpPath); } ?>