Craig Francis


If you believe any of the content on this website is useful, and you would like to share with your friends, or even your own website visitors, please link to the article on this website ( This is so I can take credit for the time taken to write these articles and allow me to update the articles without worrying about different versions scattered across the internet.

For anyone who would still prefer to make a copy of the articles, so they can prevent the possibility of broken links or allow them to make edits, you may take a copy, but you must include my name (Craig Francis) in a credit note, with a link to this website - ideally with the link going directly to the article.

I can assure you though, if you are worried about broken links, I will continue to keep this website running for the foreseeable future, and as I do value all inbound links, the URL's for the articles are very unlikely to change - if they do, then redirects will be used.

For the code on this website, please see the code licence.